so as I'm scanning some of the various forums to humor myself, I find a really good post that seems to echo some of urban's ideas (be it in a calmer way).
The guy makes 10 good points, and noone replied to him yet. I love the pickup community. Urban, is this one of your aliases?
I don't post on forums related to pickup except this one.
Imagine if every time you talked to everyone in the pickup community in person and over e-mail with posts like the one you just linked to everyone just stayed silent or ignored you completely.
Now you know what kind of bullshit makes me get really pissed off, don't you?
How would you react after a while? You would start to get extremely angry, as I often am about the pickup community. Then, everyone would think you were crazy, ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAD INSIDE KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE THEY DIDN'T.
What you saw is a protective mechanism operating on a large scale, which is why everyone on the Lovesystems ignored that post and everyone in this forum thinks I'm insane and that I need to be in a mental hospital. People on this forum just don't understand how blindspots work, how the mind often EDITS EXPERIENCE OUT OF YOUR CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE WITHOUT TELLING YOU TO PROTECT YOU FROM WHAT YOU DON'T WANT TO HEAR OR ACKNOWLEDGE.
Once you see people ignore content like the post you linked to on a regular basis (pretty much ALL the time), you will start to realize how most people are complete zombies and you have to get in their face to wake them up. Even then, it often doesn't do anything for a while and takes a long time to have effects, if they don't edit you out completely.
Now, when they've done something seriously wrong over a long period of time, they usually will fight until the bitter end to prevent themselves from acknowledging it, because doing so has hugely negative consequences. That is the case with the RSD team, Johnny Soporno, and Savoy. Blindspots can operate in groups.
So, when I say that the pickup community is going to explode in a thousand directions, here's why: once the gurus read LeaveThePickupCommunity.com, it will take about a couple weeks to sink in that their seriously bad behavior has been exposed and they are finished. They will FREAK THE FUCK OUT because they will have no recourse as most people do when you confront them about things in person. THEY WILL KNOW THAT SINCE INFORMATION CAN MOVE FAST ACROSS THE INTERNET EVENTUALLY THE ENTIRE PICKUP COMMUNITY WILL FIND OUT, EVEN IF IT TAKES UP TO A YEAR TO SPREAD AROUND.
This, combined with intense amount of guilt and anger will product some serious mental breakdowns in pickup gurus within the next year.
In the context of what I wrote above, watch this video in which the Iraq information minister denies that the U.S. is taking over Baghdad in 2003:
Now you know what kind of bullshit makes me get really pissed off, don't you?
This is why there is going to be a silence for quite a while from pickup gurus. THEY WILL CONTINUE BUSINESS AS USUAL EVEN AS THEY ARE GETTING ASSAULTED, BUT EVENTUALLY THEY WILL SNAP.
When people are operating under a protective mechanism, what they say can be VERY convincing and trip you out BIG TIME. They really believe their own bullshit!
For example, take Larry Craig, the Republican senator who was caught soliciting gay bathroom sex in an airport:
Now you're listening to me, aren't you?
Now you aren't calling me crazy or "sick" anymore, are you?
Now you can give me the respect I deserve.
This goes to all trolls on PUAHate who have viciously insulted me to protect their blindspots.
Here's what's going to happen: almost no one will reply to this post who is most deeply affected by it unless it angers them so much that they want to attack me again.
To apply what I have been talking about to our situation with the pickup community, read this again:
THAT is the primary reason why PUAHate had to form-- almost NO ONE IN THIS PICKUP COMMUNITY wants to hear any of the stuff that gets talked about here. Pickup guys are going to FREAK THE FUCK OUT across the world once the information here and on LeaveThePickupCommunity sinks in.
Do you understand now?
Now you get it.
It is going to motherfucking explode. The whole fucking industry.
Run for cover if you are a pickup guru.
These gurus' have exploited one of the most sensitive subjects for personal gain: attracting the opposite sex, relationships, and socializing. When groups of bitter guys gang up on them, some fucked up shit might go down.
In all seriousness, prepare yourself for the insanity that is about to take place by opening this video in YouTube by clicking on it and then watch it in fullscreen. Be patient and watch it until the glass skyscrapers and office buildings appear, then stop the video:
Let me explain to you what I see. First, you and you alone convinced yourself that RSD was your magical cure enough to give them 2gs of your hard earned money. Now you're pissed after realizing that rsd/mm/ls/am... are all bullshit. So you lash out at anyone who doesn't praise you for your newly acquired sense of reality as it pertains to pickup. YOU allowed the gurus marketing to fill your void. YOU opened YOUR OWN GATES to the pickup marketeers.
There will always be the "scientologys" of the world. I don't feel sorry for anyone who picked up the phone, called the church of $cientology, ask to join and then followed through. $cientology is evil as fuck but anyone who joins, is there on their OWN ACCORD.
Take responsibility for your own actions. YOU fucked up. Almost everyone involved in getting better with women DOESN'T go to bootcamps unless they are in basic need of male friendships which was probably your deficit to begin with.
Your website that you are promoting is fucking sad bro. It's obvious that you cannot focus your energy inward. All of your stated theses suggest that you are always looking to external forces as to why you don't have success. LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF FOR ONCE. What's with all this obsession with "high school" dynamics. THE PAST IS THE PAST. You're re-living your past, in the future today. LET GO OF IT. High school, just like all experiences, only have the memetic weight that YOU give them. You've fucking convinced YOURSELF that your identity is framed concretely around your experiences in high school. Identities are liquid. Be whoever. LET IT GO!!
You might be soooo insecure that any amount of introspection would initiate cognitive dissonance to the nth degree (depression/mania). Go there bro. A good nervous breakdown might help you format your "pickup" partition on your brain HD.
Go easy bro. Stop oscillating between overly-logical, to spaz psycho guy. People remember people by their extremes. Your extremes are too much man. Close the gap. Think about starting over here under a new username cause this shit is embarrassing.
I anything, you're giving puabashers a fuckin psycho rep. not cool.
Ok, for everyone else reading this, here is how the defense mechanism can play out. The person will sometimes attack you, like MemeticHedgeFund just did to me below. That's why you have to be really careful sometimes and protect yourself because some people can turn violent.
I was the ONLY one? Really? How does RSD stay afloat then? Are there any RSD zombies? No, those don't exist-- I was the only fan of RSD who paid them $2000.
Yeah. No such thing as brainwashing. That's a bullshit concept.
Well, I'm glad to hear from someone who is on this board who DIDN'T SEEK OUT ADVICE FOR HOW TO PICK UP WOMEN.
Cool. Then will you leave me alone on this board?
Yeah, I should ask someone who has been to a mental hospital what that's like.
Thank you for looking out for me. You are a friend!
You came off as really sane in this post, so maybe everyone should follow your example?
Maybe you thought I was paranoid when I said, "look, you have to protect me from these psychiatrists." That's understandable, really.
But think about this: I exposed the director psychiatry for her hospital abuses that I saw in front of the faculty senate at the health sciences center. What do you think her next move might be? Revenge. How might she do it? "Yes officer, I have a past mental patient and I think that he is a serious, violent threat. Can you please issue a report to find him?"
Scary as shit.
Now do you see part of where I am coming from?
That's why I said, "fight U.S. psychiatry!"
But few of you would listen, even when you read about psychiatry's history of abuse and saw that CCHR video of a speech against the profession.
Right now I think that psychiatry is THE biggest political problem of 2010.
Another angry defense reaction, just passively expressed as a seemingly valid insult to the situation:
Then you won't mind ignoring my threads from this point forward. Just ignore them. It's easy. Just click other threads.
There's nothing to gain in this "war" of yours. So, imagine if you do take down the pick-up companies (not going to happen)? What happens? What have you accomplished? There are a million other companies willing to sell more lies to these same guys, and these same guys will eat it up over and over again. People are dumb, that will never change.
Another defense reaction. Again, trying to tear me down to shut out what I am saying. I have more than demonstrated that I can get laid. It takes some balls to post pictures and videos of yourself on this vicious troll forum. No one else has.
When I said Dimitri is going to a mental hospital, the signs are there. His pattern of denials and violent insults are so clear that something is EVENTUALLY going to get to him.
The dude is so fucking evil anyway, he kind of needs to learn a lesson and go to a mental hospital. Then he will shut his fucking mouth. I hesitate to say that given how terrifying a mental hospital can be, but Dimitri is just a straight-up asshole and has been insulting me constantly ever since I started posting on this board.
It's not a fantasy-- the signs are there. Dimitri is probably going to have a major breakdown soon.
I should know, shouldn't I, since I have had two breakdowns?
I want to apologize to you bro. After reading one of your posts from last year, I suddenly realized that you actually do have serious mental issues. Don't give up on psychiatry because of a bad experience. Psychiatry doesn't have all the answers, but then again, who does. Don't give up on yourself. Get off of these forums for your own sanity. Mental distress will get in the way of all personal relationships till it's resolved.
I hope you stay strong and seek recovery. Self worth is your real goal, not woman. So, I'll go ahead and say that you are persistent. Use that persistence to hammer away at your internal struggle, not argue with a bunch of cocks, me for i.e.
peace bro!
"Ok. I am calming down, but the threat is real as explained by the following background story of my situation, which relates directly to issues of political power. That is why I am reaching out to you. Foucault knew more than you might want to acknowledge about psychiatry as well as the labels on states of mind that imprison the people they treat.
I propose to all of you that psychiatry is the biggest and most hidden political problem of 2009. The people who control the conversation about it, psychiatrists, have the diagnostic labels to ruin the reputations of people who have been mistreated by them. I propose to you that abuse of power is a regular occurrence in psychiatry. It is built into how the treatment system works as well as endemic in the types of individuals it attracts. What's more, few patients can point this out without being dismissed as "crazy" and "in need of treatment" because, of course, they were once patients. The very structure of the hospitals is abusive and inhumane. You are treated like a wild animal in a cage, your leash is just invisible. Your belt, shoelaces, wallet, and cell phone are taken from you.
I had a serious break with reality in April 2008 after my past of serious psychological trauma suddenly came to the surface after doing a pressure-cooker-style self-help seminar. We're talking all of my repressed trauma flooding my mind. This is not to throw emotional vomit on you, but provide a backstory. After a month of moving in and out of indescribable states of mind, I eventually required immediate administration of an antipsychotic in an emergency room because the situation got so out of control. Miraculously, I took the antipsychotic and returned to almost normal within 24 hours. It still amazes me. Because the situation was so severe, I was required to spend time in a mental hospital for 10 days against my wishes. I have already detailed that kind of experience on the web page. To sum it up, your rights are confined beyond reason, without a good faith evaluation as to whether you are really a threat to anyone. It is assumed that you are a threat just because something is happening to your mind. This is absurd, as nothing about the most extreme state of psychosis removes your ability to make moral choices. That state is a pretext for immoral people to commit violence. I can say that from experiencing its depths that few individuals have.
At the same time emergency treatment was necessary, there is also a complex system of fear responses that operate in the practice of psychiatry, in which visible signs of mania, even if harmless, stir up fears in psychiatrists and a momentum builds to get you in a hospital. This momentum is not up to you and you are already having a stressful time with the mania. What this means is that individuals who are anxiety-prone, like psychiatrists, effectively put you on edge almost all of the time and you are constantly trying to convince them that you can handle yourself because so many people in that situation don't know what's good for them under those states of mind.
This creates a legitimate paranoia in you in which you are always afraid to be "sick" in front a psychiatrist or even express significant emotion. The life of a typical psychiatrist has no color, warmth, or emotional latitude. Outrage at injustice or complaints of power abuse is met with a blank stare indicating inquisitive thoughts as to how to solve your psychiatric
problem that is manifesting itself. This is what makes the experience terrifying."
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Make sure you have a support system like family or friends who can visit you during your stay at a mental hospital. Your pattern of denial in response to this thread indicates a massive breakdown coming soon.
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it just takes insanity to post your pics and vids on this forum, not balls.
Listen to me clearly, MemeticHedgeFund. This forum is a magnet for people on the verge of a mental breakdown. I have had two breakdowns and I have talked with other patients, so I know the signs to look for.
You are on your way to a mental hospital.
The fact that you dug up an old thread of mine about a mental hospital that has nothing to do with the discussion of blindspots really indicates how creepy you are acting right now.
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it also takes stupidity to send emails to PUGs like that. PU industry won't be falling down anytime soon as you predicted. there are a lot of scams everywhere in almost every single industry especially money-making, weight-loss, fitness, and dating. you see most people are retards, and these marketers are just doing what they do best: making money off idiots like you who paid for bootcamps after bootcamps.
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Psychopathology has always been a topic I loved to study. I am not a psychiatrist, therapist, psychologist so I can offer no real medical advice. Having said that, I have two close friends with manic depression and I am always a phone call away from both of them. They need support from friends and family more so then so called "stable" or "normal" people do. I love them and they love me. Having people who love you is the most important thing that you can have to avoid frequent breakdowns.
Urban, you just need a few good friends who love you. Thats all. Everyone has mental stress, EVERYONE. I don't suspect anyone else on this board to be at a "mental breakdown" level, other than you. Don't allow yourself to project instability on everyone. You are reinforcing your false reality that "everyone is in a breakdown". Plus, the reality of "being crazy" is not real. Almost nobody is actually crazy, it's always temporary unless you convince yourself otherwise (even then you can still change that belief!)
I'm not here to attack you personally, because I don't know you. You cannot expect to make rambling statements that go unchecked. Even if you had solid advice, this is not the place to garner friends. PUAhate, from what I gather, has a pretty strong "anti-dick sucking" attitude with any self-asserted authority.
Trying to lead the forums, will inevitably lead to the forums leading you. This is not your forum. This forum is just not healthy for you RIGHT NOW. Maybe later, but for now, just try to focus your energy elsewhere.
I wish you the best bro. You are not alone in this world. Out there is someone who sees eye to eye with you, and they are not going to be found on this forum more than likely. This ISN'T ABOUT PICKUP FOR YOU, IT'S ABOUT RESOLUTION OF TRAUMATIC CHILDHOOD EVENTS.